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SON Formula® Tablets

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(Essential amino acids)
A safe and effective substitute for dietary proteins


SON Formula® is a dietary protein substitute that provides the MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern® (U.S. Patent No. 5,132,113), a unique pattern of essential amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystalline form. After oral ingestion, SON Formula® is rapidly utilized. SON Formula® does not require the aid of peptidases and therefore is absorbed within 23 minutes through the first 100 cm of functional small intestine. SON Formula® does not provide any fecal residue. SON Formula® is amphoteric. SON Formula® is supplied in tablets of 1,000 mg for oral administration. Each tablet of SON Formula® contains only the active ingredient [MAP Master Amino acid Pattern®]. SON Formula® contains no inactive ingredients.


SON Formula® provides the MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern® (U.S. Patent No. 5,132,113), a unique pattern of essential amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystalline form.


The results of comparative, double-blind, triple- and quintuple-crossover Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) clinical studies have shown that the subjects, while taking SON Formula® as a dietary protein substitute, achieved a body’s 99% NNU. This means that 99% of SON Formula's constituent amino acids followed the anabolic pathway, thus acting as precursor of body’s protein synthesis. By comparison, the most nutritious dietary proteins provide an average of only 32% NNU. Hence, SON Formula® is more nutritious than dietary proteins. This has been confirmed by the fact that during the studies, each subject body’s nitrogen balance was maintained in equilibrium by taking SON Formula® as a sole and total substitute of dietary proteins in a dosage of only 400 mg/kg/day (ideal weight) which provided less than 2 kcal/day (1 g SON Formula® = 0.04 kcal). The studies results have also shown that 1% of SON Formula's constituent amino acids followed the catabolic pathway, thus releasing only 1% of nitrogen catabolites and energy. By comparison dietary proteins release an average of 68% nitrogen catabolites and energy. These facts evidence that SON Formula® is safer than dietary proteins and provides the lowest amount of energy in comparison to any dietary protein.

To illustrate: when a dietary protein is digested, it releases its constituent amino acids into the small intestine where they are absorbed. Then, those amino acids can follow either the anabolic pathway or the catabolic pathway (Fig. I).

Figure I. Dietary Protein Metabolism

Dietary Protein Metabolism

When dietary amino acids follow the anabolic pathway, they act as precursors for the body's protein synthesis (BPS), thus becoming the body's constituent proteins. Throughout the anabolic pathway amino acids do not release any nitrogen catabolites or energy (Fig. II).

Figure II. The Protein Metabolism Anabolic Pathway

Anabolic Pathway

On the other hand, when dietary amino acids follow the catabolic pathway, they act only as a source of energy and not as precursors of body’s proteins synthesis (BPS). Throughout the catabolic pathway, amino acids do release nitrogen catabolites and energy (Fig. III).

Figure III. The Protein Metabolism Catabolic Pathway

Catabolic Pathway


SON Formula® is indicated as a safe and effective substitute for dietary proteins.


SON Formula® vs. Dietary Proteins & Protein Supplements


SON Formula®


Dietary Protein

Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) for Body Protein Synthesis (BPS)


32% (average)

16% (average)

Digestion Time

23 min

3-6 hours
(6-12 times longer)

3-6 hours
(6-12 times longer)

BPS/Time (NNU/min)

99% NNU/
23 min

24-48 times lower

48-96 times lower

Released Nitrogen Catabolites


68% (average)

84% (average)


0.04 kcal/g

4 kcal/g

4 kcal/g

Fecal residue






Renal Failure or
Hepatic Failure

Renal Failure or
Hepatic Failure

Adverse Reactions


Food Sensitivities

Food Sensitivities


Not Needed




No adverse reactions have been reported.


No adverse reactions have been reported.


SON Formula® should be administered with food. SON Formula® in a dosage of 400mg/kg/day (ideal weight) has been shown to be adequate as a sole and total substitute of dietary proteins to maintain the body’s nitrogen balance in equilibrium. To calculate the SON Formula® dosage necessary to substitute dietary proteins, apply the following:


SON Formula® dosage = (Dietary Protein x 0.4) g


For instance, to calculate the dosage of SON Formula® necessary to substitute 10 g of dietary proteins, proceed as follows:

  1. SON Formula® dosage = (Dietary Proteins x 0.4) g
  2. SON Formula® dosage = (10 x 0.4) g
  3. SON Formula® dosage = 4 g

Therefore, 4 g (4 tablets) of SON Formula® provide a body’s protein synthesis (BPS) equivalent to that provided by at least 10 g of the most nutritious dietary protein.

If administering more than 10 tablets per day, increase dosage gradually. (No more than 10 tablets should be administered within a two hour period.)


SON Formula® is available in bottles of 100 tablets of 1,000 mg, for oral administration.

Additional professional information on SON Formula® is available through the International Nutrition Research Center, Inc.


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