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The use of SON Formula to combat the effects of aging

The Use of SON Formula® During Health and Disease


SON Formula® is a dietary protein substitute that provides the MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern® (U.S. Patent No. 5,132,113) a unique pattern of essential amino acids in a highly purified, free, crystalline form.

SON Formula® is indicated as a safe and effective substitute for dietary proteins.

Clinical studies have shown that SON FORMULA® can substitute dietary proteins or protein supplements in a safer and nutritionally more efficient way.

SON FORMULA®, due to its unique characteristics, is indicated in substitution of dietary proteins or protein supplements:

• To avoid the overloading of cardiovascular functions.

• To avoid the overloading of gastrointestinal functions.

• To avoid the overloading of the renal function.

• To avoid the overloading of the hepatic function.



Chart 1. Net Nitrogen Utilization (NNU) for Body Protein Synthesis (BPS)

SON FORMULA® provides a 99% Net Nitrogen Utilization or NNU. This means that 99% of SON FORMULA’s constituent amino acids act as precursors of BPS, to become body’s constituent proteins. By comparison, the most nutritious dietary proteins, such as meat, fish or poultry provide an average of 32% NNU. Consequently, only 32% of their constituent amino acids can act as precursors of BPS. Meanwhile, most protein supplements only provide an average of 16% NNU - because they use milk, soy, casein or whey as their primary protein source. As a result, only 16% of their constituent amino acids act as precursors of BPS. Therefore, dietary proteins provide a BPS that is at least 3 times lower, compared to SON FORMULA®. Meanwhile, protein supplements provide a BPS that is at least 6 times lower, compared to SON FORMULA®


figure 1

Fig. 1. SON FORMULA® is absorbed in the small intestine within 23 minutes from its ingestion. By comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements need from 3 to 6 hours to be digested. This is 6 to 12 times longer compared to SON FORMULA®.

figure 2

Fig. 2. By knowing a protein’s NNU (%) and its digestion time (min), a protein BPS/min ratio can be calculated.


chart 2

Chart 2.  SON FORMULA® BPS/min is 99% NNU/23 min. By comparison the most nutritious dietary proteins have a BPS/min of 32% NNU/180-360 min. This means that the BPS/min of dietary proteins is 24 to 48 times lower compared to SON FORMULA®. Meanwhile, protein supplements have a BPS/min of 16% NNU/180-360 minutes. This means that the BPS/min ratio of protein supplements is 48 to 96 times lower compared to SON FORMULA®.


chart 3

Chart 3. SON FORMULA® releases only 1% nitrogen catabolites, namely metabolic toxic waste. By comparison, dietary proteins and protein supplements release an average of 68-84% nitrogen catabolites. This is 68 to 84 times more metabolic toxic waste compared to SON FORMULA®.


SON FORMULA® provides only 0.4 Kcal/g.

In contrast with dietary proteins and protein supplements,

100% Sodium free. Which may help to control sodium intake
100% Fat free. Which may help to control fat intake
100% Sugar free. Which may help to control sugar intake


SON FORMULA® does not produce any fecal residue.
And, SON FORMULA® is amphoteric.

Therefore, the use of SON FORMULA®, due to its unique characteristics, is indicated in substitution of dietary proteins or protein supplements, during:


To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of Nitrogen Catabolites (NC); to prevent excessive water retention and to help to control calorie intake.


To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to prevent excessive water retention and to help to control calorie intake.


To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to prevent excessive water retention and to help to control calorie intake.

Cardiovascular Disorders

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to prevent the overloading of digestive functions and to help to control sodium and fat intake.


To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC.

Degenerative Diseases

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC.

Diabetes (Type I and II)

To optimize BPS; and to minimize the release of NC, which may reduce the level of hyperglycemia.


To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to help to control dietary fecal residue.

Food Allergies

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to prevent the overloading of digestive functions and to help to control dietary fecal residue.

Impaired Hepatic Function

To optimize BPS; and to minimize the release of NC, which may reduce high blood-ammonia level.


To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; and to help to control fat intake.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

To optimize BPS while minimizing the release of NC.


To optimize BPS while minimizing the release of NC.

Overweight Prevention

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to prevent excessive water retention and to help to control calorie intake.

Physical Rehabilitation

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC.

Post-Trauma Recovery

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; and to prevent excessive water retention.


To optimize BPS; to minimize the release of NC, which may reduce a high level of BUN; and to prevent excessive water retention.

Pre-Post Bariatric Surgery

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; and to prevent excessive water retention.

Pre-Post Surgery Periods

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to prevent excessive water retention and to help to control dietary fecal residue.

Protein-energy malnutrition

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of  NC; and to prevent excessive water retention.

Physical Rehabilitation

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC

Renal Impaired Function

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC.


To optimize BPS while minimizing the release of NC; and to prevent excessive  water retention.

Weight Loss Diets

To optimize BPS, while minimizing the release of NC; to prevent excessive water retention and to help control calorie intake.


Indications & Usage

SON FORMULA® is indicated as a safe and effective substitute for dietary proteins.

Adverse Reactions

No adverse reactions have been ever reported.

Over Dosage

No adverse reactions have been ever reported.

Dosage & Administration

SON FORMULA® should be orally administered, preferably with food. To calculate the dosage of SON FORMULA® necessary to substitute dietary proteins it should be considered that: 1 tablet of SON FORMULA® can safely and effectively substitute at least 3g of the most nutritious dietary protein or 6g of milk, soy, casein or whey protein – which are the main protein sources of protein supplements.

How Supplied

SON FORMULA® is supplied in bottles of 100 tablets of 1000 mg for oral administration.


Each tablet of SON Formula®, in addition to the active ingredient MAP Master Amino Acid Pattern®, does not contain any inactive ingredients.



Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, consult your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Customer reviews are provided for informational purposes. Customer reviews only reflect the individual reviewer's experiences and are not verified or endorsed.

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